Unity Tutorial Five
Unity Tutorial Five
During last week's Unity tutorials I learned a lot of useful information and skills that I will use for my project like triggers and a health bar. First I created a new Controller and set it up on my Robot Animator. Then inside the animations folder, I made an animator controller, I then assigned my controller in the controller setting. I had an issue because I forgot to put it on Prefab mode. In the animations window, I created an Animation Clip. I named it RobotLeft.anim.
Ruby's Adventure |
This week I learned how to have the camera follow the game's main character. Up until this week, my game used a static camera which means my game only worked within one single scene. First I had to download the cinemachine package from the unity asset store. Then I had to set up the asset. I had to make the camera follow my main character. To stop the camera from showing stuff outside of my game I used the Cinemachine Confiner to make some boundaries.
Next, I worked on Visual styling. I added a cool particle effect, it was smoke. I found this part of the tutorial to be my favourite.
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