Reading 07

 Reading 07

 For this week's reading task I am required to write at least five to six paragraphs about my selected topic, mine being game aesthetics. Each paragraph must have at least 5 sentences, including an introduction, conclusion, and at least one supporting phrase. Each student in the class is assigned to read and remark on two additional works made by peers. We must carefully examine them to ensure that they include everything specified above, and if not, we must indicate what is missing and what is not so that we may assist them in making adjustments and making it appear better. 


Since I am in the same chapter as them I have read over the work of Mary and Hanin. It was nice to see the work they both put into their pieces. Their paragraphs were easy to read and were not too long their topics were clear and concise. I also felt like I was learning from their research. I could not find any faults with their work, if anything, it took inspiration from their work to aid me in mine.
