

This semester, we will all write a chapter of the collaborative book our year group will be making. After looking at the spreadsheet. I want to be focusing on the game design chapter. I want to focus on game aesthetics as a sub-topic. Although I feel this topic also goes into game immersion I will focus on it through the game design lens. I will research it through articles and Youtube videos. My plan is to use keywords to gather a handful of articles that can be my starting point, a foundation. Then I will research the information deeper through a few more articles. Starting with this week I will find my foundation articles and youtube videos. 

game aesthetics
I found a great video on aesthetics vs graphics on Youtube. It talks about how high-resolution graphics don't work unless you create a greater aesthetic.

I also found an article about te aesthetics of game art tat discusses the psychology of shapes, lines and volumes.

Here are some more articles and videos.
