

For this assignments I was introduced to the type of work I will be doing in my labs and for homework. There were a total of five core assignment types and five extra credit. It will be mandatory to do tasks like reading, Unity3D tutorials, commenting on my peers blogs, a project and giving project feedback. For some extra credit I will have the option of tech tasks, Wikipedia trials, growth mindset blogs, HEART blogs and extra commenting. 

I am already familiar with the reading tasks as they were the first ones I've been introduced to. The second task is working with Unity3D which I haven't done before, I look forward to learning the new skills. thirdly I will be reading and commenting on peoples blogs. I am exited with this because I enjoy looking at other peoples work to aid the development in mine. Next for the semester i will work on my own project. Lastly I will be giving  in-depth feedback on other peoples project. I am nervous for this tasks as I have difficulty critiquing others hard work.

The extra credit task that intrigues me the most would be the tech tasks and growth mindset blogs. I feel as the learning new tech skills will help with my overall project and will elevate my game. After learning about the growth mindset I realise it is a very simple thing that could easily be over looked, but I believe I could use it for almost anything in my life whether that be assignments, work or hobbies. That one change in attitude could be the deciding factor to if I try harder or give up.

 Overall I am exited to use these tasks to develop some new skills and better existing ones. 
