Introduction to Me...Me

 Introduction to 

Hello readers, I am the creator of this blog. My name is Samira but I usually go by Mimi online. I am nineteen, my star sign is Libra and my Myer Briggs personality type is ENTJ, in case that gives any insight on me. If  not, this blog post hopefully will.

Garlic knots by Mimi
Hobbies: In my free time I enjoy reading, I find it relaxing and brilliantly time consuming. I am currently reading 'The Wrath and The Dawn' By Renée Ahdieh. I  have recently taken up drumming as well. I saved up to buy an electric drum set last spring and have learned five-ish new songs. With Covid taking over our lives I have developed the skill of baking. My mother has always been a great cook so I thought I should follow in her footsteps. I also love to watch movies and shows. I much rather watch shows with people than binging alone. This summer me and my sisters binged shows like Good Girls and The Vampire Diaries ( a personal favourite). Speaking of...

Favourites: My Favourite Films are 'Attack The Block', 'The Spiderwick chronicles', 'Think like a man', 'Journey To The West' and that's all I can think of right now. My favourite shows are 'The Umbrella Academy', 'The Vampire Diaries', 'Alice In Borderland', 'Prison Break', 'My Wife and Kids' and 'New Girl'.
My favourite music genres are RnB, Funk and Pop, my favourite song on the other hand is a question that can never be answered.
My favourite module would be Web Dev.

Screenshot of my website
Course: In my experience with the course I have learned a lot about things I never would of thought to pick up. I have found a new interest with web dev an new skills with image production and design and process. I have had some difficulties with photography but plan to improve on myself. I look forward to the new academic year! 

I hope you enjoyed learning about me!


  1. Hey Mimi,

    I never knew you played the drums!! damn that is very main character of you.. you should definitely get them out for our amazing group project approaching.... I'm also very jealous you enjoy reading and can bake, something I could never relate to :/ Also yes The Vampire Diaries is the best show!!!! Delena has my heart. I also love Prison break. Im really excited to get to know you more this year and I love your blog!!

    Mary :)

  2. HI Mimi, glad you enjoyed last year as it was difficult, I was the same as you, I would never think that I would love web dev and it was my favourite thing to do last year. " Prison Break " is one of my favourite as well, although you have to have a patience to watch it.
    I am sure this year would be a lot more fun and hope to see more of your works.

  3. Hey Samira, The umbrella academy and prison break are such good shows , prison break took me awhile to finish but i remember binge watching umbrella academy it was so good cant wait for the next season .Your website from last year looks so good , i honestly forgot about the spiderwick chronicles .Also those garlic knots looks so good. Looking forward to seeing what you create in this years modules.

  4. Girlllllllll finally another bookworm in this course. We're both reading " The Wrath And The Dawn" haha, Highly recommend " The Invisible Life Of Addie La Rue" By V.E. SCHWAB you will thank me.
    deffo have to bake us some brownies asap. Good Girls is an amazing show love it. POP OFF SISTAA!

  5. Hey Mimi, such an interesting thing that you play drums. I have to see you playing drums one day. OMG Prison break and Vampire Diaries are one of my favorite shows too. I can never get bored of watching them again and again. I am the worst at cooking. You definitely have to give some cooking lessons because these Garlic knots looks delicious.

  6. Hey Samira!! I love that you're a Libra, Libra women are just superior in my opinion. It's so cool that you play the drums, it's not an instrument that many people pick up, I play guitar and sing sometimes, we should totally jam one day!!

  7. Hey Samira! loved getting to know you better, I am also a Libra rising, Libras are obviously one of the best signs. I've heard The Wrath and The Dawn is really good so I should defo check it out sometime ! I started watching Alice in Borderland and its so good, we definitely have the same taste in tv shows.

  8. Hi Mimi,

    I think its great that you used the time during the covid pandemic to learn some new skills and take up some new hobbies, its so cool that you have taken up drumming I could never play any instruments for the life of me. As well as taking up baking. Its great that you can learn with your mother about baking

  9. Hey Mimi,

    Nice to learn more about you in your blog! I'm yet to watch The Vampire Diaries but defo on my list. If you like vampire stuff Buffy the Vampire Slayer was the OG in TV vampire shows and you should defo give it a watch. Would love to know what you think. See you in college.


  10. Hey Samira! I knew you for quite some time and I didn't know you played the drums! That is a nice hobby to pick up especially during these times because we have a lot more time for ourselves to learn whatever. You say that your star sign is a Libra, mine is a Sagittarius, it is now the months for Sagittarius and feels not too bad :). I hope you are doing well and I wish you all the best to do amazing this semester! And I know you will.

  11. Hey Mimi, This blog post was a very enjoyable read. I think it's awesome that you like reading. I used to read a lot but can't say I do much anymore, but I may get back into it at some point. Taking up new things during COVID was a great thing to do, as I did the same, so it's nice to see that other people did aswell.

  12. Hello Samira
    Sorry for this late post but I was reading about your introduction it’s very interesting to know more about someone.
    So, your hobbies you love reading I wish I could love reading well I'll try my best to read more grant your favourite film is attack the block and I never heard of that! oh I know about squid games I also love pop for music by don't know about RnB.
    I can see that you are interested in web development and design and process I didn't know you had difficulties with photography because your previous work was too good, I kind of liked photography more than web development I like the garlic knots you made they look so delicious.

  13. Hello Mimi, I've personally never found reading very fun as I like when an I can see a visual Image of the story I'm learning about. I think games are a good way for me to enjoy storytelling as I can read dialogue and look at images at the same time. Drumming is pretty cool I've never played an instrument other than a flute in primary school. It's good to see the positive you got out of covid like how you learned to bake. I've not seen many of the shows you've mentioned but I can say Prison Break is one of the top shows out there it is really good.


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